I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

I was using the Instance Viewer today and ran into the drill down for Storage. Let’s take a closer look at that report. I like this report enough, that I want to be able to run it in SQLcl. SQLcl is a command-line interface, so I’ll have to make a few changes. The links won’t work, boo. Those are easy to fix up – just remove the SQLDev:Link code. The Used (proportion) column is a…

SQL Developer

A follower reached out to me late yesterday with this request: And the answer is yes, we can pretty much get there. I’ve noticed a few things by looking at his hand-formatted code on the bottom section. He prefers: everything lowercase right-aligned keywords no line breaks for the sub query ()’s no line breaks after SELECT/FROM/WHERE keywords So let’s go tell the formatter to follow these same rules. Note that all other formatter preferences are…


2021 Update: I originally wrote this post in 2018 – and since then I’ve taken on this type of question a few times. You might also enjoy these related posts, which are more technical/useful than a X in INT and Y out VARCHAR2 example like this: 4 ways to work with REF Cursors in your REST APIsORDS 101 for PL/SQL This from the YouTube:”Hi Jeff, Can you please share similar example where REST service is…

SQL Developer

I’ll show you 3 cool tips and tricks for working with PL/SQL in SQL Developer…in under 7 minutes! In-code navigation – click into where your objects are declared Test Query – see if your SQL is gonna work BEFORE you compile it Using the Code Outline For those that can’t do video, basically you can Ctrl-Mouse-Hover Navigate ANYWHERE Not just on tables, but also on local variables. Right-Click to Test a Query Open and Use…

SQL Developer

I have some code… 2285110266637bc77b8735_000003 I can guess that GIVE_RAISES is a procedure of some kind. But now I want to open it, or ‘go to it’ or ‘step into it.’ And I want to do so without having to pick up my mouse. So I could tell you about the Ctrl+Click trick, but that’s all mouse. So what’s a child of the 80’s to do? Define a keyboard shortcut for ‘Open Declaration’ and then…

SQL Developer

SQL tuning can be fun. The database gives us MANY things to help with this. There is even a nice set of views that contain everything we need to know about our SQL and their exectution plans. And, we have a really cool PL/SQL package, DBMS_XPLAN for generating reports on our troublesome queries. The not-fun part, is going from a SQL statement to the SQL_ID. Now, SQL Developer has for a few releases made it…

SQL Developer

So two areas of major performance improvements in Oracle SQL Developer version 18.2: Importing from Excel Using the Query Builder Importing from CSV was generally always pretty fast. Working with Excel consumes a lot of memory, and it took a lot of time to load an Excel file to be imported. Well, it still uses a lot of memory – an Excel file is basically a zipped set of XML files, and this will always…

SQL Developer

It’s that time of year again, we have just released updates to all of our tools! Downloads Here: Oracle SQL Developer Oracle SQLcl SQL Developer Data Modeler REST Data Services (ORDS) Let’s Talk about SQL Developer It’s a minor release, no new major features have been introduced. But, we fixed a TON of bugs. And more than several of those were reported on the FORUMS. Thanks again to everyone in the community who pitches in…

SQL Developer

It’s a bit long at 17 minutes, but I go through the process of: creating a new table based on an Excel/CSV defining the columns checking the column names checking the column definintions is the column wide enough? defining DATEs running the export fixing errors saving the scenario so you can run it on demand Remember, if you prefer to read vs watch/listen – I have these two posts: Import from Excel to a New…