I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

A small feature that could have a huge impact on your code – we try to make sure you know your PL/SQL might be vulnerable. SQL Injection is a very well known security risk in the database world. Nefarious people could ‘inject’ SQL into the code you’re about to execute via some some of user input you make available to them. We even talk about this in the Oracle Database Docs and provide some examples…

SQL Developer

Version 18.1 of SQL Developer is now available. Go download that here. Most importantly, there are a TON of bug fixes in this release. Many of them reported on twitter, blog posts, and our forums. So thanks again for all that feedback. Today I want to talk about the first thing you’ll see, our new ‘Welcome Page.’ It used to look like this – Then it went to this – Make it better AND more…

SQL Developer

I’ve been tweaking how my SQL Developer application looks and feels for a long time. Someone saw my desktop and wanted to know how to make theirs look like mine, hence this post. I realize beauty in in the eye of the beholder, but if you behold what I behold, then here’s how to get there. I recently came across this Scheme on GitHub, and have been using it for a few months now. It’s…

SQL Developer

The search feature in SQL Developer is whiz-bang. You’re using it, right? But what about at the command line? I’m guessing many of you just pluck away at ALL_ or DBA_OBJECTS. Some of you may have written some custom scripts. But, what if you burned that into SQLcl? You can of course do this with the ALIAS command. You can say, ALIAS XZY=query; And then access the query by just executing XZY. AND, you can…

SQL Developer

Let’s say you have a schema you want to reverse engineer and generate some docs. Lo and behold, the developers used foreign keys! But…there are so many of them, I can’t see the forest for the trees. So how do we make this simpler? Well, our developer for the Data Modeler showed me this trick: In his words: when use synonyms is checked tables that are referred more than 9 times are removed from global…


The Automatic REST features in ORDS are very handy for getting started quickly with providing REST APIs to your data and stored procedures. Give me the data for an employee. Easy. REST enable the schema. REST enable the table. DO a GET on /ords/schema/table/id. But…I don’t want a ‘null’ in my JSON collection for value pair “commission_pct.” What’s an Oracle developer to do? Code/Roll your own REST Service. The ‘bespoke’ solution took me about 3…

SQL Developer

I’m in Denver today, to present one of my favorite talks, SQL Developer Tips & Tricks. Since I know most of you won’t be here today, I thought I’d share 3, super-quick tips. I get asked ‘how to do this’ type stuff, all the time. Copying Column Headers with your Data Ctrl+Shift+C Showing Line Numbers Right-click in the gutter, turn it on. It’ll remember this going forward. You’ll need to do it for the…

SQL Developer

I see questions like this on StackOverflow and related websites like, ALL THE TIME: I have some code, what’s wrong with it? Something I wish I could do, other than physically hold the person’s hand, is show them how our IDE tries to point them in the right direction of their syntax issues. But since I can’t do that, I’ll write a quick blog post and help the Google gods can help folks going forward.…

SQL Developer

What are people Googling out there, when it comes to SQL Developer? Well, Google predictive text makes that kinda easy to find out. I’m going to address these questions, but we need to address the biggest problem – without context of the actual question, I have to assume or guess what the ACTUAL question is. But, I will go for the most likely scenarios. If I got it close, but missed, feel free to dig…

SQL Developer

A relatively new feature, Proxy User Authentication allows you to connect using someone else’s credentials. Or as Oracle-Base puts it: Since Oracle 9i Release 2 it has been possible to create proxy users, allowing you to access a schema via a different username/password combination. This is done by using the GRANT CONNECT THROUGH clause on the destination user. So I’m going to alter a user, SCOTT, to allow for this. 443305392663655a5a9798_000013 Now, how do I…