I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

In SQL Developer we have color coded connections. This was added, not because we like Christmas trees and all the pretty lights, but because sometimes you need a reminder of what database you’re on. So you don’t TRUNCATE stuff, accidentally. Visual cues won’t prevent all mistakes, but they sure help. With SQLcl, you have the abilty to setup your SQL prompt with custom text and colors. This works better if you have a decent terminal.…

SQL Developer

Just what it sounds like – you ask to see LESS data in a grid, and we don’t re-query the database. Instead, we filter only on the client-side. This means it’s FAST. No asking the database to run the query again. This also means you might not be getting the WHOLE truth, or the latest truth. Unless you’ve fetched ALL the rows down to the grid, it’s only going to filter on the data that’s…

Database Stuff

If there is a Madonna or Prince in the Oracle Database world, that would be Tom. You know, people that are known solely by their first name. Of course there’s also Larry, but from a pure database tech perspective, Tom has satiated the curiosity of developers and DBAs for the past couple of decades. If you were stuck with a technical challenge, or just needed help settling a bar bet – what’s better, count(*) or…

SQL Developer

As much as I like the Export Comments, or hints… 1596992356635e3842bc50_000004 or the less intrusive SET SQLFORMAT insert… sometimes you just NEED to use the Export feature tied to a grid. Did you know you can pre-select the defaults? For example, if 9x out of 10, you send the output directly to the Worksheet, and if most of the time you work with JSON, then why not set those up? That’s a lot fewer clicks,…

SQL Developer

Question: Why is SQLcl truncating my column header names? It doesn’t do it if I use SET SQLFORMAT ANSICONSOLE though… Answer: Because, SQL*Plus. Longer Answer: SQLcl follows the SQL*Plus rules. And in this case, the rule is: The default width of CHAR and VARCHAR2 (VARCHAR) columns is the width of the column in the database. The questioner was seeing that the 2nd column in their query was having its column name truncated – because it…

SQL Developer

It’s already almost that time of year again. Which means I need to let you know what you can expect from our team at the world’s largest Oracle event – Oracle Open World. Sessions start on Sunday, September the 18th – but the fun with our team starts on Saturday morning. Kris Rice and I will be corralling folks to a scenic bike ride of the Bay lead by PL/SQL Product Manager extraordinaire Bryn Llewellyn.…


It’s that time of year again. You’re jealous from hearing all about that fabulous conference your co-worker or Facebook buddy just got back from. You could NEVER make it a conference. Your company just doesn’t do that. If you want to go to a top-tier Oracle user group or industry conference next year, it’s time to start asking about it, today. Don’t Call It a Conference – It’s Training You say conference, your boss will…

SQL Developer

The PL/SQL team is always reminding me to talk about PL/Scope. And I got to the point where I needed to remind myself, so I added this slide in all of my PL/SQL themed talks. Yet, I have apparently forgotten to blog about it. Oops. [Docs] PL/Scope is a compiler-driven tool that collects data about identifiers in PL/SQL source code at program-unit compilation time and makes it available in static data dictionary views. The collected…


I try to keep my fonts ‘big’ – for folks reading my posts and for folks attending my sessions. I do lots and lots of live demo’s, and there’s a lot of code on the screen to keep track of. But I’ve generally not followed my own advice when working in a cmd shell. Oops! Fixed for next week, when I’ll be doing lots of live demo of our new favorite command line interface to…

SQL Developer

A friend of mine asked how he could generate CSV for 40 Oracle tables in Oracle SQL Developer. He could of course use Tools > Database Export to accomplish this. But, it was always the same 40 tables. And using the object picker in the wizard can get tedious, especially if it’s the same 40 tables every day/week/month/epoch. So, I told him to go shopping. The Cart, Again I’ve talked about the Cart a few…