I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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SQL Developer

Today’s post is courtesy of this question from a reader: Can the SQLDeveloper Report/Chart feature create a line chart where x contains date/time and y the values to be plotted? The answer is ‘Yes!’ I’m going to use HR.EMPLOYEES to give me my data. I start with… 6745497366633485958c50_000000 So let’s turn this into a report. SHORTCUT: In your query result-set, right-click and select ‘Save Grid as Report…’ We’re going to want a CHART report. So…

SQL Developer

If you know how to edit your code in SQL*Plus, you already know how to do it in SQLcl. But I get asked this a lot, do you support EDIT? Do you support CHANGE? And what does SQLcl offer over those? So let’s tackle the old and then the new… C/Old/New SQL*Plus has the C[HANGE] command. C[HANGE] sepchar old [sepchar [new [sepchar]]] Changes the first occurrence of the specified text on the current line in…

SQL Developer

You want the create script for a table. AND you want the create script for ALL of your tables. BUT also I want want the tablespace. Forget the constraints. How do you configure this in our tools? SQL Developer: The Preferences & the Wizards Go to the preferences. Database, utilities, export. SQLcl: SET DDL HELP SET DDL SET DDL And now run the DDL command. Don’t want the quoted identifiers? Use the Data Modeler.

SQL Developer

SQL Developer has a DBMS Output panel you can open and add to your desktop. You then add a connection you want to poll, and then you enable polling. It’s about 4 clicks. If you want to increase the default buffer size from 20,000 characters, then that’s a few more clicks and keystrokes. A friend of the blog (Thanks Koen!)… Tweets by @koenlostrie … suggested I share his favorite trick: using a code template to…

SQL Developer

We already have some pretty Spartan toolbars. We aim for fewer buttons, not less. But maybe you want to go SUPER Spartan. Even fewer buttons! Yeah, you can do that. View > Show Toolbars > Customize Main Toolbar > Customize I’m going to take a few things off the main editor and data modeler toolbars. Now you’ll get a popup window. Simply grab the button you don’t want anymore, and drag it onto the popup.…

SQL Developer

I sometimes get a double-take when I do a blog post or tweet or show a picture of SQL Developer running on my Mac. My Macbook is my personal machine: I don’t normally do live-demo’s on it, but I almost always do my blog posts and screenshots from there. For official webcast stuff and conferences, it’s the old workhorse Win7 machine. And it looks like this for the most part: But you as a user,…

SQL Developer

Here’s a quick run-down of FAQ’s I get when doing presentations or demos. Can SQL Developer… Extend a tablespace? Yes. You can edit an existing data file or add a new one. We’ll also show you the SQL that’s going to be used so you can copy it to run in SQL*Plus or wherever. And if you wanna just do it in a SQL Worksheet, we can help you with the syntax there too. Debug…

SQL Developer

I have talked about how to preview BLOBs (Binary Large Objects) as pictures… But someone on Stackoverflow asked how to read a BLOB value if it had text. So I spooled the content of my EMPLOYEES table to a txt file, as CSV, and then loaded that to a table as a BLOB. Then I browsed the table, double-clicked the cell… and voila, the data being stored… Other BLOB posts: setting up external editors (Adobe…

Database Stuff

I answered this question on Quora yesterday: What are the best resources for learning Oracle Database? The biggest learning curve to learning Oracle Database, SQL, PL/SQL, and all the other cool technologies that come with our database, is figuring out how to download, install, and create a database FIRST. And then of course you’ll have to configure a connection in either our command-line interface (SQL*Plus or SQLcl), our GUI/IDE (SQL Developer), or one of our…