We’ve had another great year. Multiple product updates, 127 posts, and LOTS of questions asked and answered. Since it’s that time of year, here’s your, ‘lazy writer, popular posts’ update 🙂

Based on overall site traffic in 2014, your favorite posts from this year are:

10. Introducing the Oracle Database 12c VirtualBox OTN Image

One of our most valuable resources, a free VirtualBox image providing an Oracle Multitenant Database – plus SQL Developer, Oracle REST Data Services, APEX, already setup and running for you. And a bonus, all of the Oracle Learning Library labs. Hands-on type instruction.

9. Migrating SQL Developer Connections with Passwords

Get a new machine at work? Want to move over your stuff? Can’t recall all of your passwords? Here’s how to grab THOSE too.

8. Creating Schema DDL Scripts to Multiple Files

Need to generate source files for all of your database objects?

7. Exporting Multiple Blobs

How to export more than one BLOB in one step.

6. Connecting to Oracle on VirtualBox from SQL Developer on your Windows Host

Instead of running SQL Developer inside the VM, you might want to run it on your host OS and connect to the database that’s running on the vm. Here’s how to do just that. Hint: port forwarding!

5. Ask a Question

Fellow Oracle nerd and beer aficionado David Schleis suggested I add a general, ‘Ask a Question’ page to my site, and about 500 questions later, I’d say that’s a success 🙂

4. SQL Developer and TNSNames

You don’t need an Oracle Client to take advantage of TNSNames when making connections using SQL Developer!

3. How to Start the Debugger

Want to debug a pl/sql object? Here’s how to start the debugger.

2. How to Open the Modeler in SQL Developer

The Data Modeler is available as a stand-alone application OR you can run it inside of SQL Developer. Here’s how to do the latter.

1. SQL Developer and the Oracle Client

How to configure Oracle SQL Developer to work with the Oracle Client, AKA ‘thick connections.’


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. I am looking for all your blogs posts related to sql developer reports & data mining…Really enjoy your blog….Is this possible to come here in our office to train our team on these topics? we are in Raleigh NC.

    • I’d love to come see you.

      Reporting is one of my favorite topics, and a very much under-utilized feature in the tool. My email is [email protected] if you want to set something up.

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