I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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Database Stuff

You know the drill: an email from your manager is inviting you to attend a dog-and-pony show for the latest widget some company has added to their best software product ever. The invite goes into your calendar and don’t think about it again until your screen starts flashing 5 minutes prior to start time. So, you head over to the conference room/LiveMeeting/WebEx/GoToMeeting, sit down, and prepare to zone out for the next hour or so.…


My friends, family, and colleagues are frequently asking me why I do Twitter. Or to be honest, when I ask if they are on Twitter, their response is less than enthusiastic. In fact, the most frequent response I get is either Rolling of the eyes, OR “I don’t need to tell people what I had for lunch yesterday.” I originally signed on to Twitter because I was morbidly curious. You can only hear something about…


It might seem to the casual observer that I’m new to this whole blogging thing.  Here it is almost half-way through 2010 and this Jeff Smith joker is just now starting his blog. I’ve been blogging since July 2007, and you’re more than welcome to read my old posts on my old home if you’d like to catch up. I suppose I should explain why I’ve decided after almost 3 years to start my own…