I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!
Database Stuff

I’m new to Oracle, and I need a database…help!

Taking an Oracle Database class or course? Need to get up and going on Oracle Database really fast, and really easily? Here’s my advice!

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REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs: the Definitive Guide for Oracle

REST APIs and TABLE INSERTs, everything you need. Bonus: we’ll build a REST API to GET the data, with support for CLOB/JSON, links, and exception handling!

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My former boss, and current friend, bought an Android phone for himself and his wife last week and asked me for a list of my must-have apps. I’ll list them here for the morbidly curious, but that got me thinking – what are my must-have scripts for managing my Oracle database? I know we’re supposed to use they ‘tool’ things, but I seriously doubt any real DBA relies 100% on what a pretty console screen…

Database Stuff

For me, it’s leading. If I have a code or syntax problem, I find it easier to see the line missing the comma if I can look at the first char position. Of course you may say that’s crazy, and any reasonable programmer would demand trailing commas. I’m guessing your IDE offers formatting options that allow you to choose what works best for you. A few minutes investing these could save you hours of searching…


Missed PT I?: Read Part I my favorite aspects of each RDBMS platform Update: Read PT III where I talk about monitoring indexes I had the pleasure of hanging out with @oraclenerd and @SQLChicken earlier this year in Tampa, FL. It was remarkable for a couple of reasons, but what I remember most is playing translator. When @SQLChicken would rave about one of the SQL experts on Twitter, I would relate to @oraclenerd how that…

Database Stuff

Disclaimer: I wrote this before I started working at Oracle. I still believe what I wrote more than 10 years ago, how trippy is that? One of the most dangerous phrases to be uttered in an organization is ‘Oh, we have an Enterprise license.’ Once that gets out, everyone will think they can deploy/use as much as product X as they want. It does not take much of an imagination to realize where this can…

Toad® Stuff (Retired)

For most couples, ‘date night’ is something to look forward to, but unfortunately does not come around often enough. For others, even the word ‘date’ sends a chill down their spine. It’s not an adverse reaction to their partner, but rather a unpleasant reminder to the daily toil that is working with DATE formatted data in their relational database. Wow, that opening segue was more awkward than my first date with my wife…which is another…

Database Stuff

A better title might be ‘Tools are Too Cool for School’ or ‘If you don’t use Tools You are Dumber Than a Caveman’ or…well, you get the idea I think. My focus of course falls squarely in the IT and RDBMS domain. It is also not a huge secret that I spend a lot of time advocating a specific database tool for a little independent software company. I want to take a step back this…

Database Stuff

Someone suggested I document where, who, and what I use to get things done in my day-to-day dealings with all things Oracle RDBMS. Since I am very open to suggestion, here it is: Official Stuff Unofficial Stuff Twitter Folks Updated Dec 14, 2014 Oracle Docs Official Link Oracle’s official online documentation. I generally just ‘Google’ the term I’m interested in alongside the keyword ‘Oracle.’ Nine times out of 10 (unscientific gut feeling), the Oracle Docs…

Personal Tech

Twitter came through for me in a big way again today. I’m constantly being asked why I do ‘the Twitter’, and this experience sums it up nicely. Updated 10-05-2010 First things first. # – denotes a hashtag, useful for finding/categorizing posts on Twitter FTW – acronym for ‘For the Win’, geeky way of saying ‘Woohoo!’ I am an idiot. I recently bought a wiring harness for my car stereo, this was going to let me…


So this was my 3rd Oracle Open World, and not much has changed in terms of my experience as a ‘booth boy’ in the Vendor Exhibition Hall. However a few things definitely got my attention. I will need to re-evaluate how I treat the opportunity to attend this conference going forward. I should get registered as a blogger I should attend the blogger meet-up I should meet @jpiwowar in-the-flesh I should wrangle my way into…


I recently had the opportunity to attend a SQL Saturday event, #46 in Raleigh, NC. Techie Training, on a Saturday. Really? Yes, really. And I had some reservations before attending. However the fact that this event was free, minus $10 for breakfast/lunch, and the entire #SQL universe on Twitter has had nothing but good things to say about the event convinced me to give it a shot. Why does an Oracle guy care about SQL…