Yesterday I shared a dashboard I published in my Always Free Autonomous Cloud Service.
The first question I got was:
I was just a little surprised that the examples in your blog weren’t live. After all, that’s the point of the feature.
A fan 🙂
So sure, let’s use the database itself to build some ‘live’ charts, or charts that have frequently changing data.

The Dashboard
There are 4 actual charts. The layout is very much up to you. I wanted something wide enough that I could read the SQL text on my ‘Slowest SQL’ chart. And I needed similar to get true idea of scale on my User Stats – so both of those got the space that 2 charts would normally take. And my Health Check chart isn’t just two columns wide, it’s also two columns tall!
This is how that looks in ‘design-mode:’

The Reports
I picked some easier to get metrics out of some existing SQLDev reports. I know also back in the day that Tom was quite keen on knowing what your Hard/Soft parse ratios were. Please don’t take these as endorsements by me.
I am merely trying to demonstrate what you can do with the Charts feature, and using some data out of the data dictionary.
SELECT gv$system_event.wait_class AS wait_class, 0.6 * SUM(gv$system_event.time_waited) AS time_waited FROM gv$system_event WHERE wait_class != 'Idle' GROUP BY gv$system_event.wait_class ORDER BY 1
Choose whichever type of chart you want, or adjust these queries as YOU see fit.
Slowest SQL
SELECT DISTINCT sql_text AS SQL, CASE WHEN cpu_time < 1000 THEN '< 1 ms' WHEN cpu_time < 1000000 THEN to_char( round( cpu_time / 1000, 1 ) ) || ' ms' WHEN cpu_time < 60000000 THEN to_char( round( cpu_time / 1000000, 1 ) ) || ' s' ELSE to_char( round( cpu_time / 60000000, 1 ) ) || ' m' END AS cpu_seconds_form, cpu_time / 1000 AS cpu_mseconds, sql_id FROM gv$sql WHERE cpu_time <> 0 ORDER BY 3 DESC fetch FIRST 15 ROWS ONLY
I have (2) columns in the query used for the chart and the rest that come in handy if you switch to the grid view (cpu_seconds & sql_id).
User Stats
Boring query, but interesting data?
Parse Ratios
SELECT 'Soft Parses ' "Ratio" ,round( ((SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'parse count (total)') - (SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'parse count (hard)')) /(SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'execute count') *100,2) "percentage" FROM dual UNION SELECT 'Hard Parses ' "Ratio" ,round( (SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'parse count (hard)') /(SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'execute count') *100,2) "percentage" FROM dual UNION SELECT 'Parse Failure ' "Ratio" ,round( (SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'parse count (failures)') /(SELECT SUM(VALUE) FROM v$sysstat WHERE name = 'parse count (total)') *100,2) "percentage" FROM dual
That last query courtesy of dilipdba.
To create these charts, you can copy and paste the SQL in, and then go from there. Enjoy!
Well say we have diff client data in the table CLIENT_SALES with a CLIENT_CODE column that defines the data for each client then we have a USERS table with USER_ID and CLIENT_CODE
So in order that the dashboard only displays data for user logged in we would have
SELECT sum(cs.sales_total)
where u.client_code = cs.client_code
and upper(u.user_id) = :APP_USER
I’ve tried various links with logins on the underlying tables but still stuck 🙁
‘Various things’ … like, what?
These are great !
is there anyway we can link them to the current logged in user on APEX the :APP_USER ??
How do you mean, ‘link?’