Updated 14 May 2022: Some of the people I mentioned in 2015 are still blogging, but no longer about Oracle topics. They’re still awesome, just not in the tech space you are expecting from me. Others have stopped blogging but are still awesome people and available on Twitter and other communities.

There’s tons of great info out there. Sometimes you just need help finding it.

Here are some bloggers you should subscribe to. Not everyone can publish daily or even weekly, but these folks, when they DO publish, put out good, solid stuff.

The only criteria I have for this list is that: 1) you don’t work for Oracle, 2) you blog about ‘Oracle stuff’, 3) I have personally read your blog.

In no particular order –

I don’t play favorites, if they made this list, they’re worth a few seconds of your time to see if they scratch your knowledge itch!

Some Parting Advice for Bloggers

Where to blog? Blogger sites are OK, and Google does a good job of servicing them, mostly. But Google has basically killed the platform. No new updates, and not much flexibility in look and feel. WordPress is super popular, but awfully complicated, especially for people wanting to get started.

Check out Medium, LinkedIn, or Hashnode.Dev – it’s super easy to use, completely free.

Add a popular posts widget to your sidebar. You want to keep people on your site after they read that first post they found via Google. Give them some suggestions!

However. DO NOT GO CRAZY with plugins or widgets.

1 – they will slow down your site, or cost you on hosting CPU dollars.

2 – they add distractions to your site.

Make sure a link to your blog is on your Twitter profile and LinkedIn pages.

Kudos sir! I liked your tweets, now let’s see if I like your long-form content!

Use bigger fonts. Don’t make it hard to read your stuff.

Don’t make me squint or bump up my browser Zoom level to make our what you’re saying. Also, break up your words with pictures! Most people don’t actually read your posts, they PAN and SCAN for the good bits!

Write for yourself, write often.

If you write for yourself, you’ll never perceive your time spent as wasted. Also if you like your content, there’s a good chance your audience will too!

Finally, you need to write FREQUENTLY. Like, every week if you can. Practice makes perfect. You need to make it a habit. You’ll also train your readers to come back. And maybe the ultimate bonus: you’re creating your personal brand! Want a new job? Your blog will get you job offers!


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. samkitdigital Reply

    Great list of Oracle bloggers! I appreciate the diverse perspectives and insights you’ve highlighted. It’s always helpful to find new voices in the community that share valuable information and experiences. Looking forward to exploring these recommendations!

  2. Great list of Oracle bloggers! It’s always helpful to have a go-to resource for quality content, and you’ve highlighted some excellent contributors to the community. I’ll definitely be checking out these blogs for more insights and tips. Thanks for sharing this roundups

  3. Girish Sharma Reply

    May I know, why you omitted those bloggers who works for Oracle please?

    • Sure. I wanted to keep a manageable list so I could write the post in under 2 hours. If I included Oracle folks it would have taken me all day, the list would have been too long to have been useful to anyone, and I wouldn’t have an excuse to write a second post next week.

    • Girish Sharma

      Thanks for reply. I agreed, but in my opinion not every Oracle person put out good, solid stuff i.e. I just want to suggest to have something like :
      select * from source where stuff=’good’ rather than like this one:
      select * from source where stuff=’good’ and employer ‘Oracle’ 🙂
      Oracle persons too put out good and solid stuff as others. But yes, for me, above list is good enough for at least one year. Thank you so much.

    • even JUST calling out the good Oracle bloggers would take a lot of time. we have 130,000+ employees, and a lot of them blog

      i wanted to call out some folks that people might not normally know about

      Example, Tim Hall of Oracle-Base. Is he an Oracle blogger? Yes. Is he a good Oracle blogger? Hell, yes. Does everyone ALREADY know about him? Yes – cause he’s usually in the first 3 hits of a Google search.

      So me not listing Tim isn’t a knock on Tim. And me not listing Oracle employees isn’t a knock on them either.

      The problem with ‘lists’ is that you always leave someone off, and it upsets them.

      At least I didn’t rank them like @sqlrockstar does 🙂

  4. Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal Reply

    Jeff, you missed out this man, Tomkyte, his blog asktom.oracle.com and tkyte.blogspot.com has most valuable information.

    • Well, two things. I said I was looking to highlight folks that don’t work for Oracle. And, everyone should already know about Tom – or at least I hope they do!

      If not, folks will see your comment and endorsement now 🙂

  5. Rajeshwaran, Jeyabal Reply

    Jeff – you missed out this man, TomKyte and his blog asktom.oracle.com and tkyte.blogspot.com has more valuable information.

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