Let’s do the TL;DR take, first.

Open the Modeler, drag in a TABLE with a JSON column

In SQL Developer Web (also known as Database Actions), And ask for the JSON Data Guide from the Modeler page for any table or view containing JSON.

This is the base table for one of my 23c JSON Relational Duality Views

And if I click that, I see this –

The PODIUM document has 3 objects, a ‘winner,’ ‘firstRunnerUp,’ and ‘secondRunnerUp.’

It works for the JSON Relational Duality Views, too!

Drag a VIEW into the diagram, right-click, again, and ask for the JSON Data Guide.

Surely there’s something more interesting here than just ‘JSON’ here?

Yes there is, and please don’t call me ‘Shirely.’

Here’s what the diagram for our RACE_DV JSON Relational Duality View looks like –

This data is sourced from both relational table data AND from JSON objects.

The longer story

We’ve had this feature in the JSON workshop screens for a couple of years now, man does time fly! What ORDS 23.2 (specifically 23.2.2) brings is the ability to see this same data representation in the Modeler panel for our tables and views storing JSON.

And it doesn’t require 23c or the new JSON Relational Duality Views, either.

Here’s a ‘SODA’ style JSON Collection and it’s underlying base table –

I’ve got a session trace’s data organized as JSON.

And our modeler can do more than just print diagrams, we can also generate the DDL behind your objects, including those 23c JSON Relational Duality Views 🙂

The picture and code behind the data (JSON)

Learn more about 23c and the JSON Relational Duality Views

I’ve written a few posts, but I also highly recommend these resources:


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


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