This isn’t a traditional post, no real tips & tricks today. Those will follow, SOON.

Nope, today I’m sharing what’s going on with your favorite tools and our Database Tools team.

  • ORDS 23.2 should be out VERY SOON.
  • SQLcl 23.2 should be out VERY SOON AFTER ORDS 23.2 ships.
  • SQL Developer will have a mid-Summer update with some critical bugs from 23.1 fixed.
  • Our VS Code Extension/’SQL Developer Next” is going to be out later this Summer

Note that release dates are subject to change, always. But that’s the plan.

If you’re curious to know what’s coming, then I suggest you follow me on Twitter ๐Ÿ™‚ I like to tease folks there, for example:

Looking for more content, tips, and tutorials?

Did you know we have two other product managers out there sharing the good word on our database tools for your enjoyment and education?

Meet Senior Product Manager Chris Hoina. Chris blogs over at

He’s posting MOSTLY about practical dev things around our REST APIs technology, but also ventures into SQLcl and things like using Podman to run ORDS and/or your Oracle Database on a local container.

His latest post shows how you can setup an Apple automation to simply drag and drop CSV files into a folder and have their contents automatically loaded into your REST Enabled TABLE.

He also does a bit of TikTok if you’re into that sort of thing.


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Meet Senior Product Manager Zachary Talke. Zachary blogs/newsletters/podcasts over at Talke Tech.

He’s been working to make our Liquibase technology in SQLcl more accessible and easier to use for our Oracle developer audience.

His newest ‘baby’ is our updated and refreshed LiveLab for SQLcl and Liquibase. So you can see how to generate changeLogs, how to deploy them, how to ‘tag’ your schema, and how to do a rollback.

A self-paced hands on Live Lab – learn to use our technology, for free!

Zach is also going to be hosting a Webinar on July 25th where he lectures and takes you through the LiveLab later this Summer SIGN-UP-TODAY!

Save $400 on Oracle Cloud World and meet our team!

Our team will be bringing a ton of content, news, and tutorials to Las Vegas later this Summer.

You can find Chris and Zach’s talks, labs, and sessions in the Oracle Cloud World Content Catalog. Oh, and Kris has some stuff going on there as well ๐Ÿ™‚

If you register for Cloud World TODAY, you’ll save $400.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. Hi Jeff.

    Any news about Sql Developer?
    Unless I missed something, it seems the summer target kinda passed ๐Ÿ˜‰
    My team and I are big users of Sql Dev and can’t wait to see what’s next

  2. Thanks for the post Jeff. I have been a follower of your articles and its immensely helpful, BTW on the above topic is it something which is available only for Autonomous DB or its available for a normal DBCS EE DB.

    BTW, i am having issues in creating the vault and secret keys. Can you please guide me here.

    • Are you asking about the OCI Database Tools Service and creating connections or creating connections in SQLcl?

      Most everything we do is for EVERY Oracle Database everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚

      If you were asking about Database Tools Service, I have an example here of how to set it up and use it on using the Base Service and a VM.

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