Did you know that the oracle-base.com website has video content on YouTube? I know that many of your are forbidden from having fun at work learning via video, but rest assured Tim has PRINT versions of all of his videos in the form of articles.

I was going to count the number of articles he has for ORDS, but let’s just say it’s approximately 80-bajillion, or 24.
For those who don’t like to read, Tim also has quite a few (6 and growing!) videos where he demonstrates core features like modules, AUTO REST tables and even REST Enabled SQL.
I’m thankful for Tim
Many folks aren’t aware that oracle-base.com is a one man operation. His name is Tim. He writes about technology because he enjoys learning and sharing that knowledge with others. He has a full-time job (DBA-extraordinaire) AND a full-time hobby (oracle-base).
He did a nice thing for the Oracle community recently where he encouraged folks to share what they’re thankful for. I was late to the party, so consider this my entry.