I see questions like this on StackOverflow and related websites like, ALL THE TIME:
I have some code, what’s wrong with it?
Something I wish I could do, other than physically hold the person’s hand, is show them how our IDE tries to point them in the right direction of their syntax issues. But since I can’t do that, I’ll write a quick blog post and help the Google gods can help folks going forward.
I borrowed this statement from an actual question.
SELECT easbwaredgs_t.id, easbwaredgs_t.fk_easbware_id, easbwaredgs_t.mandant, easbwaredgs_t.reg_code_mc, easbwaredgs_t.hazard_code_ident, easbwaredgs_t.add_hazard_code, easbwaredgs_t.haz_code_version, easbwaredgs_t.undg_number, easbwaredgs_t.ship_flashpoint, easbwaredgs_t.flashpoint_type, easbwaredgs_t.cont_dopc, easbwaredgs_t.cont_dop, easbwaredgs_t.cont_phone, easbwaredgs_t.verpack_grp_mc, easbwaredgs_t.ems_nr, easbwaredgs_t.trem_card_nr, easbwaredgs_t.secondimo, easbwaredgs_t.thirdimo, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM easbwaredgs_t AS k LEFT OUTER JOIN easbdgstn_t AS p ON k.id = p.fk_easbwaredgsid WHERE k.mandant = '001' AND k.fk_easbware_id = 1 AND p.type_mc = 'TRANSPORT_DGS_LIM_QUANT' ) AS cc_is_limited_quantities FROM easbwaredgs_t WHERE easbwaredgs_t.mandant = '001' AND EASBWAREDGS_T.FK_EASBWARE_ID = 1
So, starting out from ‘scratch’, you might want some help with finding out where your problem is.
Sure, you could run the query and get the error line and cursor position, but generally our parser will identify problems AS YOU TYPE THEM.
It’s ‘all in the squiggle.’

If you mouse over the underlined-text, we try to help you out with some doc links and expected ‘next’ words from the parser.
Can’t see the line? Let’s zoom in again.

If you have a LOT of code, you don’t have to scan the editor looking for squiggles. You can pop open the Code outline. Any errors will be listed, and if you double-click on the items, they’ll take you to the offending line/curpos.

And don’t forget, you can click on the ‘book’ to go straight to the online docs!

A Bug Fix for 18.1
We used to show the errors/indicators in the sql worksheet gutters. So again, if you had hundreds of lines of code, you could zoom in and see what was what, where. That’s fixed AND enhanced for 18.1.

Thanks, Jeff, there were some features that I didn’t know about. And I realized I need to upgrade my software 🙂
Where is 18.1 ? I only see 17.4.
It’s being built to be released later this quarter.