Kris and I met with around 230 of you yesterday for an hour to talk about all things SQL Developer, it’s future, and specifically our VS Code Extension.

Missed that webinar? No worries, you can watch it on YouTube!

Use this link to jump STRAIGHT to the live-demo portion.

It’s an hour, with powerpoint, me talking, AND some live demo.

Sneak Peek on what we’re working on

In no specific order..

1. Visual Explain Plans

Look familiar, maybe? We built this first for SQL Developer Web 🙂

2. Filtering

You’ll be able to filter both objects in the tree and also schemas (under Other Users), just like in the classic SQL Developer product.

The filtering options will be the same as before, but with refreshed UIs.

3. File Based PL/SQL Development

File – Open a plsql file, then you’ll get the PL/SQL features, like compile and execute, vs a generic SQL worksheet and set of features.

Open file, compile….vs opening existing plsql from the database.

4. SQL History Search/Filtering

Just hit Ctrl+F when you’re in the History panel…

When can we have it?

I’m famously incapable of predicting when software will ship, but it’s our intention to have this ready in a few weeks, as our 24.1 release.

There will also be a slew of bug fixes, most of which are sourced from our forums/communities – again, thank you for that feedback!


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. José Luis Reply

    Sql Developer for VS Code was released at May 2024.
    Last version of Sql Developer was released at December 15, 2023. 9 months ago.

    When vill be next version of sql Developer? Or is it a deprecated product?

    I work as DBA i use SQL Developer for administration.

    Will Sql Developer for VS contain all DBA features of SQL Developer?

  2. Rajeshwaran Jeyabal Reply

    Jeff – in the “2. Filtering” section there is a screen shot showing connection tree, where connection naming got some “emojis”

    can you show us how to have emojis to connection name ?

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