Database Actions is the technology formerly known as Prin, erm…SQL Developer Web.
In the Administrator panel, you have the ability to manage your database USERs. You can create and edit them – lock them, change their passwords, grant them roles, and now – ASSIGN QUOTA for their DEFAULT TABLESPACE.
In Oracle Autonomous, there is only one TABLESPACE (DATA) for users to store their segments. Yes, you can still partition things, but we handle under the covers where that data goes (DOCS).
When ORDS 21.1 is released for on-premises, you’ll see this feature for any Oracle Database you have configured with Database Actions. Today, the tablespace quota widget is exclusively available in Oracle Autonomous instances.
Going forward, user management will continue to be enhanced, simpler AND more powerful, stay tuned!
Creating a USER and Assigning Storage Quota

Hitting the Create User button will open a slider from the right side of your screen – fill out the required user information.
See anything different – the ‘Quota on tablespace DATA’ widget is brand new.

Not sure what to input? We give you a few options out of the box.

And if you get cute, or you accidentally mess something up.

User Created, Let’s take a Look at their Quota
In the SQL worksheet, digging around the data dictionary, we see –

How do I get there, again?

The Home screen – what you see here will depend on the database roles you’ve been granted. ADMIN (in Autonomous) should see everything by default.