The Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) for the Oracle Database is a kind of a performance archive for the activity in your instance.

On a regular basis, a SNAPSHOT is taken.

You can then reference points in time, via a START and END point via these SNAPSHOTs and the database will generate some reports for you.

This feature requires the Enterprise Edition of the database AND the Diagnostic Pack. Please follow along with this tutorial with that in mind. If you’re on Autonomous Database, as I’m demonstrating today, you’re ‘in the clear.’

In this post you’ll learn how to:

  • use SQL and PL/SQL to build REST APIs
  • generate LINKs in your HTTP Responses
  • generate HTML output for your HTTPS Responses
A GET handler to retrieve a list of SNAPSHOTs with LINKs to AWR Reports

Snapshots and Reports

The API will allow you to GET a list of AWR Snapshots. Those snapshots will include links to reports generated based on the previous 5 snapshots. 5 is an arbitrary numbers, once you see the SQL, feel free to change it to meet your needs. Note as the delta increases, so will the amount of time to generate the report.

So there will be two URI templates in our AWR Module:

It doesn’t matter which one we build first, but starting with ‘snapshots’ will be easier.

How does this work?

At the end of this post, you’ll find the SQL script necessary to publish this AWR module in your own ORDS/Database environment. I suggest you run that now, then come back and follow along.


Let’s look at the SQL, in detail for the GET handler on the snapshots template..

   '../awr/report/'||DBID||'/'||INSTANCE_NUMBER||'/'||(SNAP_ID-1)||'/'||SNAP_ID "$report-1",
   '../awr/report/'||DBID||'/'||INSTANCE_NUMBER||'/'||(SNAP_ID-2)||'/'||SNAP_ID "$report-2",
   '../awr/report/'||DBID||'/'||INSTANCE_NUMBER||'/'||(SNAP_ID-3)||'/'||SNAP_ID "$report-3",
   '../awr/report/'||DBID||'/'||INSTANCE_NUMBER||'/'||(SNAP_ID-4)||'/'||SNAP_ID "$report-4",
   '../awr/report/'||DBID||'/'||INSTANCE_NUMBER||'/'||(SNAP_ID-5)||'/'||SNAP_ID "$report-5"
FROM dba_hist_snapshot 

So the data is coming from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT. Meaning, we’re assuming in this API definition, that the schema you are publishing it in, has access to the DBA_ views.

“$report-1” .. “$report-5” – these are column ALIASES. The $ in the name tells ORDS that the string coming back from the query should be presented in the JSON response as a LINK. The text coming after the $ tells ORDS how the link should be labeled via the “rel” attribute.

HTTPS Response for our GET on /snapshots

../awr/report/ – this is saying that the link to be generated, needs to have a relative path one level back from where we are at.

Remember, the Module has two templates –

We’re doing a GET on /ords/admin/awr/snapshots, and we want our links to point back to /ords/admin/awr/report, hence the ../ to ‘back up’ the URI truck.

‘||DBID||’/’||INSTANCE_NUMBER||’/’||(SNAP_ID-1)||’/’||SNAP_ID – as part of the link being generated, we’re taking values from the result set and inserting them. If you look at the picture above, you can see the URI template for the report is

/report/:dbid/:inst/:snapbegin/:snapend – these are the input values for the call we’re going to make when generating the reports.

Modeling the Templates

When I start on a new set of REST APIs, I spend a few minutes drawing out the ‘paths’ that my API consumers are going to ‘walk.’

Where do they start? Where will they go from there? Since REST is stateless, LINKs are critical for navigating from point to point in your application or whatever.

So I need to start with a list of snapshots, those are key to generating the reports. And then I need a way to get from a list of those snapshots to the reports themselves. What’s necessary to run the report? Those inputs will need to be baked into the links coming into that endpoint.

What do I build first? I’ll be honest, many times I’ll build the ‘end page’ (AWR Report) first, and then circle back and cover the ‘index’ type pages (SNAPSHOT listing).

Often times I’ll build dummy HANDLER blocks just to get a feel for what things will look like, once I’m happy with the module templates and handler layouts, I’ll go back and start writing the bulk of the handler code.

Further disclaimer – this module was written by @krisrice, but I’m sure he has a similar process, except better as he’s a professional (10x!) developer.

The Reports

This is where the fun begins – generating the HTML.

The function parameters are pulled directly off the HTTPS Request URI

Let’s look at the PL/SQL Block –

FOR cur_rep IN (SELECT output
                      TABLE(DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.awr_report_html(:dbid,:inst,:snapbegin,:snapend )))
      END LOOP;

DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.AWR_REPORT_HTML() – the package.function call will return lines of HTML.

If we look at what this does BEFORE ORDS gets ahold of the output –

Each row represents a line of HTML

The FOR LOOP iterates these rows. We iterate the output using HTP.PRN, it’s nice because it handles escaping text as necessary for HTML rendering.

Walking the API, Generating a Report

So let’s browse the snapshots, and GET a report.

Don’t forget to protect your endpoints…

The Code

After you’ve enabled your schema, whilst logged in as that user, run this script.

-- Generated by ORDS REST Data Services 20.4.3.r0501904
-- Schema: ADMIN  Date: Tue Mar 16 06:05:04 2021 
  l_roles     OWA.VC_ARR;
  l_modules   OWA.VC_ARR;
  l_patterns  OWA.VC_ARR;
      p_module_name    => 'awr',
      p_base_path      => '/awr/',
      p_items_per_page => 25,
      p_status         => 'PUBLISHED',
      p_comments       => NULL);
      p_module_name    => 'awr',
      p_pattern        => 'snapshots',
      p_priority       => 0,
      p_etag_type      => 'HASH',
      p_etag_query     => NULL,
      p_comments       => NULL);
      p_module_name    => 'awr',
      p_pattern        => 'snapshots',
      p_method         => 'GET',
      p_source_type    => 'json/collection',
      p_mimes_allowed  => '',
      p_comments       => NULL,
      p_source         => 
   ''../awr/report/''||DBID||''/''||INSTANCE_NUMBER||''/''||(SNAP_ID-1)||''/''||SNAP_ID "$report-1",
   ''../awr/report/''||DBID||''/''||INSTANCE_NUMBER||''/''||(SNAP_ID-2)||''/''||SNAP_ID "$report-2",
   ''../awr/report/''||DBID||''/''||INSTANCE_NUMBER||''/''||(SNAP_ID-3)||''/''||SNAP_ID "$report-3",
   ''../awr/report/''||DBID||''/''||INSTANCE_NUMBER||''/''||(SNAP_ID-4)||''/''||SNAP_ID "$report-4",
   ''../awr/report/''||DBID||''/''||INSTANCE_NUMBER||''/''||(SNAP_ID-5)||''/''||SNAP_ID "$report-5"
from dba_hist_snapshot 
order by SNAP_ID desc');
      p_module_name    => 'awr',
      p_pattern        => 'report/:dbid/:inst/:snapbegin/:snapend',
      p_priority       => 0,
      p_etag_type      => 'HASH',
      p_etag_query     => NULL,
      p_comments       => NULL);
      p_module_name    => 'awr',
      p_pattern        => 'report/:dbid/:inst/:snapbegin/:snapend',
      p_method         => 'GET',
      p_source_type    => 'plsql/block',
      p_items_per_page => 25,
      p_mimes_allowed  => '',
      p_comments       => NULL,
      p_source         => 
FOR cur_rep IN (SELECT output
                      TABLE(DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.awr_report_html(:dbid,:inst,:snapbegin,:snapend )))
      END LOOP;
  l_modules(1) := 'awr';
      p_privilege_name => 'stuff.awr',
      p_roles          => l_roles,
      p_patterns       => l_patterns,
      p_modules        => l_modules,
      p_label          => 'awr_stuff',
      p_description    => 'generates AWR reports, who can do what',
      p_comments       => NULL);  

Bonus Time!

What if we wanted to do something like…create a new SNAPSHOT on demand?

That’s right, you don’t have to wait for the next scheduled snapshot, if you’re about to do a performance test, you can create a snapshot (on demand), do your work, then create another snapshot.

The response is up to me. No error checking, but I’ll assume it works, and send you the new ID.

I added this to what Kris put together. I could probably just redirect the location to the base /snapshots URI, or I could build a new /snapshots/:id template and GET handler to show the details, but I’m done working on this example for today πŸ™‚

Here’s the SQL for the POST block.

    :status := 201;
    SELECT name INTO :snapshot
                      || '/'
                      || TO_CHAR(s.dbid)
                      || '/'
                      || TO_CHAR(s.instance_number) AS name
                      , 'PERFORMANCE_SNAPSHOT'  AS TYPE
                      , s.snap_id
                      , s.dbid
                      , s.instance_number
           FROM awr_pdb_snapshot s
       ORDER BY s.snap_id DESC

Don’t forget to add your Parameters. I didn’t include this BONUS handler to the script above as I haven’t really tested it as much as I should have.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. But what’s about *.trc files? alert.log contains just pathes to it. Is it possible to get it by the same techniques?

    • Those are on the file system. You could write some utl plsql code to read those out of an Oracle directory.

  2. Appreciate for experience sharing!
    Would You explain, how is it possible to go further and got a trace file content, when alert.log contains it?

    • With SQL…alert.log values are in a table, so build a restful web service that queries it.

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