Very quick and short post today.

The question:

In version 4 of Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, how do I get the names of foreign keys to appear on the relational model diagram?

First of all, right click in the diagram space:

Right-click in the general diagram space, not on one of the diagram objects
Right-click in the general diagram space, not on one of the diagram objects

With this on, your diagram will now look like this:

Foreign key names align on the relationship lines, highlighted in yellow
Foreign key names align on the relationship lines, highlighted in yellow

I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. I don’t see that for this an an option on the logical diagram?

    • you asked about this on a page where i talked about foreign keys, so i just assumed that’s what you meant, sorry

      change your notation to Bachman

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Is there a way to have a SubView that will show keys only, i.e. the other attributes will not be displayed?

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