Another busy, crazy, awesome week is behind us. I’m going to call it a success, but before I completely file it away, I wanted to share a few quick thoughts, and say thanks to a few people for their continued support.

Sunday SQL Developer Golden Gate Fun Run

We had about 20 people show up – including a few crazies that ran up from the Hilton and back – and the weather was amazing. Yury (@yvelik) made everyone jump…for pictures, not off the bridge. Martin Paul Nash (@mpnsh) explained that he’s just Martin Nash, so it was good to clear that up. My co-worker Barry (@bamcgill) managed to pack 2 left shoes for the run, but he managed to run the entire bridge and back with minimal whining.

Yury makes any event eventful by his mere presence :)
Yury makes any event eventful by his mere presence ๐Ÿ™‚

All dudes though – so next year we’re hoping to attract a few of our fellow female attendees, as we don’t want to make this an all boys club.

Work Stuff

Four presentations, about that many labs, and more than a few hours talking to customers at our demo pods all went fairly well. The labs were full – we even managed to live stream the final Cup race – and it was good to see everyone excited to learn more about Oracle Database and our tools.

One of our many SQL Developer hands-on labs
One of our many SQL Developer hands-on labs

The slide decks will be available to Open World attendees in week or three I believe. If you can’t wait that long, email me and I’ll see what I can do.

Friends, partners, and the community

Special thanks to ODTUG, Enkitec, and Pythian for hosting me and several of my co-workers for their happy hour events and lunches. It’s nice to be able to roll from one session to the next w/o worrying about dying of starvation or dehydration ๐Ÿ™‚

Had a great dinner with Kent Graziano (@KentGraziano), Danny Bryant (@dbcapoeira), and Michael Place at an Indian restaurant near the Moscone. The more I get to know Danny, the more confident I am that he’ll make an excellent ODTUG Board Member, assuming the rest of the membership agree with me!

Also I jumped into the Bay Monday morning with the APEX PM and about 30 other crazies. I was rewarded with several pictures and a nice swim cap and t-shirt. Thanks ORACLENERD for making it all happen.

Thanks to our users!

Nothing is better than having a line of people coming up to tell us how much you enjoy and appreciate using our tools. It’s a real treat for the developers to hear this in person instead of me sharing it 2nd and 3rd hand.

John preaching the good word at one of our 3 demo pods.
John preaching the good word at one of our 3 demo pods.

We even still have folks telling us that they are just now discovering SQL Developer. How exciting to know that we still have room to grow and get better. Lots of enhancement requests and feedback to act on from this week, and I thank you for taking the time to share that.

So until the next conference, Barry will be at UKOUG and I will be at RMOUG, happy SQL Dev’ing!


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. What? Ashley didn’t run? Wasn’t she one of the main instigators?

    I is sad, no mention of the swim.

  2. I attended two of your sessions at OOW13 and they were both great! I’ve been a big fan of SQL Developer since Project Raptor and v4 is awesome. Keep up the great work!

    • Sucking up will get you everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks Brian, I really appreciate that. We’ve been working really hard on version 4 for more than a year and it’s just about ready to go out to the big, bad world.

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