This is another maintenance release, but I don’t want to minimize the work done in either the 3.2.1 or the 3.2.2 editions. The two releases include more than 400 bug fixes. Version 3.2 should be rocking and rolling and good to go while we work on the next major release!

You can find the downloads and bug fixes in the normal places:

Connection Names

If you downloaded and used version 3.2.1 and noticed some of your connection names were no longer valid due to ‘special’ characters, we’ve loosed our restrictions a bit for 3.2.2. You can now go back to using spaces and hyphens in your connection names.

periods, spaces, hyphens should now all work

More Copy & Paste Stuff

While fixing a bug, the developer decided to also enhance the feature while he was in the code. I love seeing this happen organically. No one is sitting over their shoulder with the red magic marker. No, I’m too far away to do that except on very special days πŸ™‚

So here’s a ‘trick’ – if you want to copy cells from your grids, just drag the selected cells to the worksheet/editor. You’ll get a comma delimited list – very handy!

Select cells, drag and drop up to the worksheet – Voila! Comma separated values πŸ™‚

I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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