If you’re going to re-imagine a product like Oracle SQL Developer in a brand new platform (VS Code), then you have to pay homage or pay respect to the features that helped make that product successful.

One of the most powerful features in SQL Developer is Reports. I also used to call it, our most underrated feature.

Top SQL by Waits, Parent–Child Report

Canned Reports now available

In the latest update, 24.4, we have migrated most of the ‘Canned Reports’ – these are the reports WE have written, for your enjoyment.

They are broken up into categories. As you select a report, it will prompt for a database connection, and then run.

Wait, I don’t see the reports?

Invoke the Command Palette and search on ‘Reports’ – this will toggle open the panel in case you’ve previously hidden it.

Binds & Child Reports

On the Top SQL by Waits report, we are prompted for some details before the report runs.

By default, we’re looking over the past 30 minutes, so if I’m OK with that, just click, ‘Apply,’ otherwise input your desired value, and then click ‘Apply.’

Once that happens, our report will run on the selected connection –

So you may have some questions –

  • Where are the charts?
    We’re working on it!
  • When can I build my own reports?
    User Defined Reports will come later, and they’re definitely on our To-Do list.

A ‘special’ report, Sessions

Many of the displays you see in the extension are really just reports under the covers. Some of those have some extra features baked in, and an example of that in the reports side is the Sessions report.

The context menus include a few interactive things that will impart changes to the database session. You can make them go away, and you can start and stop a session trace.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. Licensing dialogs are missing in VSCode.
    When you try and view a report in SQLDeveloper, you are prompted with a “The use of this features requires that the xx Pack be licensed.” together with a continue/abort button. This dialog is not present in VSCode when viewing a report.. So are we now being billed because we used VSCode to view a report?

    • You’re not viewing a report, you’re using a feature via a report.

      Your admins should be gating access to these features to prevent unwanted usage, not relying on the tools to protect you. The DBMS packages and V$ views could be restricted via SELECT and EXEC privs, then you would be safe from any access whether it’s OEM, SQLDev, VS Code, SQLPlus, Toad, etc.

      Also we have environments now (Cloud, Free) where these warnings do not apply.

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