I just came from a DBA-dominated conference – Hotsos Symposium in Dallas, if you must know – and I came away with the impression that many a DBA out there is missing out on some key features and productivity-hacks in our dear ole IDE.

I could give you 10 things, but I know DBAs are busy, so here are just 3:

1.)The Instance Viewer

New since 2014 and version 4.1. Nothing to install in your database, just quickly give me an idea of what’s happening, and let me quickly drill-into the details.

Speaking of details…

This is COOL :)
This is COOL 🙂

2.)Tablespace Stuff

Everyone always asks, can I use SQL Developer to work on my data files? The answer is of course, yes!

You can click into a tablespace from this chart or open directly from the tree. USERS looks kinda full to me.
You can click into a tablespace from this chart or open directly from the tree. USERS looks kinda full to me.

And yeah, we have dialogs for all the work stuff:

Add Datafile...that sounds about right.
Add Datafile…that sounds about right.

3.)Create User Scripts

This one is a bit of a trick, but you can quickly generate all the DDL for a user, including the their object and role grants and privs.

I'm splitting the object editor here to show the different panels concurrently.
We make it easy to see all the stuff for your user, too.

But you want the actual script, so right-click, and choose Create Like, toggle ‘include object privs’ and then go to the SQL page of the dialog.


Yes, it includes all of the object grants for HR.
Yes, it includes all of the object grants for HR.

BONUS 4.)We have interfaces for both ADDM/AWR/ASH

If you’re already in SQL Developer, and you want to see an ASH report, be our guest 🙂

To access the DBA panel, open it via the View menu, and then add a connection.
To access the DBA panel, open it via the View menu, and then add a connection.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. The ASH report is really cool, and the DBA can give access to the developer with just grant on dbms_workload_repository.

    Unfortunately ASH often hangs when using case insensitive databases, but this is not a sqldeveloper issue (bug 12764391)

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