I just came from a DBA-dominated conference – Hotsos Symposium in Dallas, if you must know – and I came away with the impression that many a DBA out there is missing out on some key features and productivity-hacks in our dear ole IDE.
I could give you 10 things, but I know DBAs are busy, so here are just 3:
1.)The Instance Viewer
New since 2014 and version 4.1. Nothing to install in your database, just quickly give me an idea of what’s happening, and let me quickly drill-into the details.
Speaking of details…
2.)Tablespace Stuff
Everyone always asks, can I use SQL Developer to work on my data files? The answer is of course, yes!

And yeah, we have dialogs for all the work stuff:
3.)Create User Scripts
This one is a bit of a trick, but you can quickly generate all the DDL for a user, including the their object and role grants and privs.

But you want the actual script, so right-click, and choose Create Like, toggle ‘include object privs’ and then go to the SQL page of the dialog.

BONUS 4.)We have interfaces for both ADDM/AWR/ASH
If you’re already in SQL Developer, and you want to see an ASH report, be our guest 🙂
The ASH report is really cool, and the DBA can give access to the developer with just grant on dbms_workload_repository.
Unfortunately ASH often hangs when using case insensitive databases, but this is not a sqldeveloper issue (bug 12764391)
case insensitive databases => are those really a thing? If so, how do we drop them?