Do you know someone who helps make our data safer, and more useful in the Oracle Database space? This could be an architect, engineer, data modeler – whatever, that works in the design area and shares their work and insight with the rest of the community.

Someone who has something much more interesting to say than me:

Oracle is hosting a Database Developer Choice Award program, and one of the categories is ‘Database Design.’ I’m asking you to take a few minutes and nominate a person that has helped you and your users to ‘avoid the suck’ when it comes to working with your application data.

Maybe they wrote a book, answered your question on a forum, presented at a conference, or anything really.

Nominations close this week. And then the community will vote to award a winner in each category.

Thanking people can be hard. This is your opportunity to do so anonymously and help good people to be recognized by the community for their outstanding work.

Nominate someone now.


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. Sunil Kumar Noothi Reply

    Just now nominated Mr. Jeff Smith, most deserved person for the award.

    • I appreciate the kind gesture, but I am not eligible. I should also put out there that I am on the nominating committee that vets the nominations in the Design category.

      But thanks so much Sunil. Very nice of you.

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