I’ve talked about how to make your really long sections of code easier to navigate by splitting your editors, but did you know we can make it easier to browse your tables and views too?


Watch the movie then, you have 2 minutes to spare, yes?

And seriously, don’t do the April Fool’s prank on someone unless they have a good sense of humor, and it’s not against your corp IT policy, and you like your job, and…#InsertLegalDisclaimersHere


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


  1. Not much use to me if I can’t do it in SQL Worksheet and results. That’s where I spend most of my time.

  2. Mark Austin Reply

    Nice but I can’t seem to be able to split Result Grids which would be better (I tend to write select * from … rather than open the table and look at the data)

    • Sorry, Mark but the worksheet is quite the funny bird. Not quite an ‘editor’ the split document there isn’t easily added. You can do some other things like ‘float’ and ‘clone’ your worksheet, but not quite the same as splitting the grids, I agree.

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