Your relational model may for a data warehouse or star schema where you need to define a table as being a dimension or fact. Or maybe you’re like my friend who asked me this question last night:

If I’m looking at about 90 Dimension tables which all have the name prefaced by “Dim” how can I assign them all to be of the “Dimension” Classification Type?

You could do this slow-by-slow…

Select Table and Right Click

It's easy to change this for one table, but for many?
It’s easy to change this for one table, but for many?

But my friend has 90 tables. That’s 90 right clicks, 90 property dropdowns, 90 OKs, and 90 excuses to go use another tool. We can’t have that!

Now Let’s Do it the Fast Way

Instead, right-mouse on the Relational Model in the Tree/Navigator (also available for Logical Models of course.)

Right click on your relational model in the diagram, not the relational model tree node or the tables node
Right click on your relational model in the diagram, not the relational model tree node or the tables node

Now move your tables over, select the classification type, and hit ‘Apply’ or ‘OK.’

This allows you to set the classification type for many objects all at once instead of one by one.
This allows you to set the classification type for many objects all at once instead of one by one.

And our model updates auto-magically. I can see in my diagram that I have some purple ‘D’ Dimensions now 🙂

D is for Dimension. Purple is for...Barney?
D is for Dimension. Purple is for…Barney?

I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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