I love books. I remember when my local school system had a partnership (evil plan) with Pizza Hut. For every six books I read, I earned a free personal pizza. I was reading upwards of 10-20 books a month when I was in elementary school. This may have been partly due to me living in a rural area with no local kids my age to play with, but I’ll pretend it was because I was an emerging intellectual.

As an adult, I read for several reasons. Unfortunately, pizza is no longer one of them. The biggest change in my reading habits over the last five years has been the media format. Instead of print books, I find myself reading blogs, twitter posts, diatribes on Facebook, and tons of web articles.

I almost have to force myself to sit down and actually read a book.

Today I am forcing myself to read the following three books:

In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks, Adam Carolla, Crown Archetype Publishing

I discovered Adam’s podcast a few months ago. Did you know he has the #1 podcast on iTunes? Great interviews with people you want to know more about. This book is mostly a summary of his rants, but so far is just as entertaining as his radio show.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR, David Meerman Scott, Wiley

A colleague bought me this book for free, so I have to read it 🙂 So far it’s great. I knew it would be worth my time after Twitter sensation @Scobleizer wrote the forward.

SQL Server 2008, Internals and Troubleshooting, Bolton, Langford, Ozar, Rowland-Jones, Wort, WROX

This has been on my to-do list since it was published. As an admitted ‘Oracle-guy’, I have needed to bone up on my SQL Server fundamentals for quite some time. I’m already a fan of one of the author’s writing, so I figured this was a no-brainer. The title really says it all.

I just finished re-reading The Hobbit for probably the 100th time – gotta get ready for the movie(s)!


I'm a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.

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