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Nearly 7,000,000 Oracle professionals use SQL Developer on a regular basis. Have a question about Oracle SQL Developer? Searched this blog and couldn’t find the answer? Ask away!

If your question is about Oracle Database, SQL, PL/SQL, etc – go Ask Tom!

Feel free to ask anything you want, but I’ll feel free to send you to Support or our Forums if it goes sideways.

Note: This page has turned out way more successful(?) than I would have ever imagined. Please keep these things in mind when asking questions.

  1. I am NOT support. Don’t expect me to log bugs for you, or give you official timelines on bug fixes, enhancements, or product releases.
  2. I AM NOT SUPPORT. Don’t open an SR with My Oracle Support AND leave a question here. Pick one and go with it, and when in doubt, go to My Oracle Support.
  3. I try to answer questions as quickly as possible. If you don’t get an answer, ask me for an update. I may have just forgotten or overlooked your request.



  1. Con O'Keeffe Reply

    Greetings Jeff,

    How you you manage a number of sql scripts in Sql Developer?

    I am a DBA and I am always looking for that script I wrote x months ago because a similar problem just popped up. I usually have to a little editing so Reports don’t seem to be the right direction. I would also like to be able to do a keyword search.

    — Con

    • If it were me, I’d stand up a local SVN server on my machine and version all of my scripts.

      But that’s not really what you’re asking.

      You could use code Snippets – avail under the View menu. They can be documented with keyboard hovers, so you know what you’re looking at w/o drilling into it. And it’s hooked into the code insight/type ahead stuff so you can type the snippet name, and have it auto-complete to your @script.sql call.

  2. Gus Charnell Reply

    Hi Jeff,
    I’m running v4.0.1.14 (installed with the jdk-7u55-windows-i586.exe JDK) on Windows 7 on SUNRay 2FS Vm’s with roaming profiles.

    I installed this version on the 17th April and apart from a couple of teething niggles everything has been great… up until this past couple of days that is…

    SQL Developer has started to freeze on me. It starts off at lasting for a few seconds but has now has got to the point where it is unusable…. it can last minutes and I have to kill the process.
    It mainly happens when I try to copy/cut/paste some code using the keyboard shortcuts. If I highlight the text and right click then select copy/cut/paste, it works ok.

    When it freezes, I check the Windows task manager, the CPU is maxed out by the Sql Dev process.

    I have had this issue on previous versions of SQL Dev.
    I’ve had no issues for about 3 weeks, but it’s suddenly started again…
    I don’t doubt it’s an environment issue on my side but any idea where to look?

    Thanks in advance,
    (still a big fan)

    • Ugh. Not cool.

      The next time it hangs, can you run jstack and attach to the PID and grab the log and send it back to me?

    • Gus Charnell

      I will do…
      I think it has something to do with the fact we are on VM’s and when we log off the VM doesn’t shut down.
      I have now restarted the VM and it is working ok, but I’ll leave it on and take the jstack thread dump if/when it starts again.


    • Gus Charnell

      Hi Jeff,
      Turns out the restart of the machine didn’t clear it.
      I have the stack trace, how do I get it to you?

    • Gus Charnell

      Just sent that Jeff.
      As I work behind a fairly locked down env, if you don’t get it, let me know and I’ll try again.

    • Hi Jeff!

      Did you get sth about Gus issue?
      I’m running the latest SQL Dev version and am having the same kind of situation or at least similar to Gus’.

      Sometimes when copy/pasting code around, the interface just freezes (even the text caret stops blinking), and when looking into my task manager I get sometimes 25% CPU usage and sometimes 50%. As I’m running on a quad-core, I would say it locks 1 or 2 cores every time.

      Tks in advance!

    • Make sure you’re on the latest version, and try to use the keyboard instead of the mouse to paste your code – if you use the mouse, be careful to not fat-finger the ctrl key, as the cursor over text with the ctrl key pressed will invoke the object-navigation code.

    • Thanks for your response Jeff!

      I’m running v4. in a Win 7 x64 and using regular keyboard shortcuts to copy/paste (Ctrl+c/v).
      When I say the interface freezes I mean the whole SQL Dev stops responding and just hangs forever till I kill its process.

  3. Alan Henton Reply

    Is there a way in get SQL Developer to run multiple script files? I have around 100 or so files that each create a procedure. I’d like to be able to select all of them and run as a batch.


    • Sure…create a script.


      then F5 – all 3 scripts will be executed

    • Alan Henton

      Creating a master script like that was what I was trying to avoid. Having to type


      all the way up to script100 wasn’t appealing. I was hoping there was a way to select all the files in a window or drag-and-drop or something and then hit F5.

    • True. But having an auto-shoot-myself-in-the-foot button to auto-run a 100 scripts might be just as unappealing. I’m open to ideas though.

    • Alan Henton

      There’s no doubt that could be the shortcut key to the update-resume function. Be that as it may, in my case I have over 100 procedures (and growing) in CVS. I copy them locally and need to run everyone of them to build my database environment. Having that functionality would be great.

    • Those procs are also in a db somewhere, yes? If so, use the Cart. Drag them from the tree, yes multi-select will work, to a cart. Then generate a deployment script. We’ll generate the code for you and build the scripts for you, and a master script to run all of them.

  4. Hi Jeff,

    How does one check the result of a ref cursor output parameter using SQL Developer unit test.


  5. Jim McCusker Reply


    I just loaded 64-bit version and get the following error when I try to run Tools|Monitor Sessions…

    An error was encountered performing the requested operation:

    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    00942. 00000 – “table or view does not exist”
    Vendor code 942

    • Well, does the table or view exist?

      We’re going against objects like gv$session, gv$session_longops, etc.

      If you copy the sessions report down to the user defined reports, you can access the SQL to see which grants you’ll need to run that feature.

    • Jim McCusker

      That’s it. I can’t see gv$session for some reason now. Was this recently added? I was able to see sessions in the past.

    • We used v$ views before – which is cool, until you’re on RAC. You need to ask your DBA to grant you access to the ‘Global’ views.

    • Jim McCusker

      Okay, we’re now figuring out how to grant users view access to these gv$ views. Apparently it’s not as simple as:

      grant select on gv$session to ;

      The prior view, v$session was a synonym to a view called v_$session so we just granted select on that view, but the gv$ views are different.

      Do you know the proper grants for the various gv$ views so we can give this to users? We’ll keep digging in the meantime.

    • Probably not the way to go, but I’m a developer, I want SELECT ANY DICTIONARY. My friends tell me that the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role is a bit ‘safer’…

  6. Jeff,

    I know we have Unit Test case repository in sql developer? do we have any options / tools that helps us in Unit Test case Generator ? (same way how JUnit Test Case Generation works for Java programs )


    • Generating the test cases is up to you – we can do the heavy lifting, but you have to tell us what to test.

  7. Hi Jeff,

    I’ve got a question regarding data modeler reports. Is there a way to modify the layout of the RTF reports? E.g. I’d like to get a heading for each table name / entity.

    Best regards

  8. Jim McCusker Reply


    Would it be possible for SQL Developer to have a feature that would save the current SQL scripts including those not associated with a filename, such that they could be recovered after a system crash? I’ve had numerous occasions where either SQL Developer froze up or my system needed to be rebooted due to other development going on. The net effect was that I lost some code I was working on prior to the crash. Programs like Excel do a nice job of showing you the recovered files the next time you boot up but SQL Developer loses everything.



  9. Keith Krueger Reply

    I have been using SQL Developer (v1.5.5) for about six weeks without issue. Then yesterday, I lost my ability to effectively edit my SQL code within the SQL_Worksheet window. I am able to insert within the query, but cannot delete (via Backspace), cut/paste, insert new lines (via Enter), nor use the arrow keys to move around. Any idea what my problem could be? For example, if I start a new query, I can only enter it on a single line, and cannot delete if I type something wrong. Thanks.

    • I have good news and bad news.

      The bad news is that your software is about 8 years old and you have identified a bug.

      The good news is that we have a new version, 4.0.1, that is brand spanking new, and doesn’t have this bug.

      If you’re not able to get the latest version, try harder. Please. You and your org will be much better off.

      In 1.5.5, I think you can do this to fix your problem
      To resolve the problem you have to go to:

      Tools -> Preferences -> Accelerators -> Load Preset -> Default -> OK

    • Keith Krueger

      Your suggested soution worked ! Thanks so much.

  10. Gerry Christiansen Reply


    I’m having issues setting up a connection that utilizes wallet on Mac OSX (Mavericks). Here is a summary of my setup:

    SQLDeveloper Ver: – Build Main 14.48
    Java Version: build 1.7.0_55-b13
    Oracle Instant Client: w/ sqlplus libs

    I can connect fine with my wallet via sqlplus

    Inside sqldeveloper, I was getting an error when testing my ORACLE_HOME, indicating:

    An error was encountered performing the requested operation:

    no ocijdbc11 in java.library.path

    Vendor code 0

    Also, when testing the ORACLE_HOME inside sqldeveloper preferences I get the following:

    Testing loading Oracle JDBC driver … OK
    Testing checking Oracle JDBC driver version … OK
    Driver version:
    Testing testing native OCI library load … Failed:
    Error loading the native OCI library
    The native OCI driver could not be loaded. The system propertyjava.library.path contains the entries from the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Check it to verify that
    the expected native library directory /Applications/oracle/product/instantclient_64/ is present and precedes any other client installations.
    java.library.path = /Users/gchristiansen/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.

    I found a note that indicating the issue was with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. So, I hacked my /Applications/ script and set both ORACLE_HOME and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    Now, when I “test” my ORACLE_HOME from within sqldeveloper I get a positive test output:

    Testing the Oracle Home located at /Applications/oracle/product/instantclient_64/
    Testing client directory … OK
    Testing loading Oracle JDBC driver … OK
    Testing checking Oracle JDBC driver version … OK
    Driver version:
    Testing testing native OCI library load … OK

    However, when I try to test or connect with the following jdbc url sqldeveloper crashes (I can provide the error report sent to Apple):

    jdbc url: jdbc:oracle:oci:/@repo

    Any help or insight you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

    • super quick, the first thing I see, and this will bork everything else:

      That’s not the right path, just set your library path to

    • Gerry Christiansen

      Thanks for the very quick response! That worked. I’d setup my instant client based on a blog I found that made it look and behave more like a traditional oracle_home. BIG Mistake 🙂

      Working like a champ now. Keep up the great work, us Mac guys need a good tool and sqldeveloper just keeps getting better and better!

    • No worries Gerry, it just kinda came in, and the path caught my eye…I know it’s picky, b/c I ran into a similar issue.

      Many of the SQLDev devs code on Macs, so we are sensitive to it running well there!

    • Karol Utrata


      how did you hack script ?
      What way did you set ORACLE_HOME and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ?

    • Gerry Christiansen

      I didn’t have to hack it after all. Just have my DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly to just the instant_client directory. That said, you can put these env variables in the script that gets called (Navigate to /Applications/… directory to find it). I wouldn’t recommend though because if those change then you have to change it in two places (.bash_profile and script)

      Hope that make sense. If not let me know.

    • Karol Utrata

      Yep! That works 🙂
      I’ve only set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH – that’s enough.

  11. Jim McCusker Reply


    Would it be possible for SQL Developer to have a feature that would save the current SQL scripts including those not associated with a filename, such that they could be recovered after a system crash? I’ve had numerous occasions where either SQL Developer froze up or my system needed to be rebooted due to other development going on. The net effect was that I lost some code I was working on prior to the crash. Programs like Excel do a nice job of showing you the recovered files the next time you boot up but SQL Developer loses everything.



  12. Fixed it. Using Cygwin I had to do a recursive operation to add execute permission to dlls and exes.


    BTW, ruled out the anti-virus stuff before that.


    • Cygwin? Ok, that’s weird. I’ve never seen an issue with execute privs on a file in Windows…but thanks for sharing. I’ll keep that in mind if anyone else runs into it.

  13. Jeff,

    I’m trying to get SQL Developer 4 (latest release) to run on Win 7 Ent. I’ve got JDK 7 installed even though the zip comes with a JDK. I’ve unzipped it and try to run it, but nothing happens.

    I’ve also run sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.exe, but it just returns – no errors or any output.

    I’ve tried the 32-bit version without a JRE and still nothing.



    • You should get SOMETHING back from the bin directory copy of the sqldeveloper.exe. If not, I almost wonder if you have an issue with a virus scanner getting in the way…I’d like to help you more, but trading blog comments is going to get old. We should do a conference where you share your desktop so I can talk you through it.

      For this wonderful opportunity, I will only ask for $0 and your continued support 🙂

    • Hmmm. Virus scanner huh? My company just replaced Symantec with MacAfee and I actually had to have one of the applications of the package uninstalled to get my Virtualbox to work again.

      Let me contact my IT group and see if they can turn it off and try the app. If that doesn’t work, I will gladly take you up on the desktop sharing (assuming that I can with our IT structure).


  14. Hi Jeff,
    I imported data dictionary into SQL data modeler and cannot found out how to disable predefined constraint names. Table “T” was created in database without specifying primary key name, so it gained SYS_C0012093 name, but in data modeler constraint is named as “T_PK”. This produces unnecessary statements when I want to merge model into data dictionary. Do you know how to turn this off? I removed all templates from naming standard in Design Properties but it didn’t help.

    • It’s an application preference. You need to disable ‘Replace System Names During Import.’ With this disabled, then import your table(s). You’ll preserve the original SYS_ constraint names.

  15. Hi,

    I have downloaded and started sqldeveloper 4. but since the jdk was 1.6.0_38, it asked for Jdk 7 and it got installed succesfully but every time i open developer, it throws an error jdk 1.6.0_38 is not supprted and move to jdk 1.7.0 update or later. I have installed jdk 1.7.0 but i am unable to set that path, please help me a way in setting the sql developer path to jdk 1.7.0 so that it should not throw the error.

  16. Hello jeff,

    I just upgraded to 4.0.1. Great stuff !!

    BUT, ” XML Schemas” has disappeared from the Connections browser/navigator. All the other types of objects are still there. I know my XML schemas are there since I can register them, etc….

    This happens for all users on my Oracle 12.1 DB on Windows 7 64-bit.

    Any thoughts ?

    Thanks very much in advance

  17. hi Jeff,
    why when run set autotrace on by sqldeveloper 4 in statistics appear DB TIME,while by sqlplus with statistics_level all, not ?
    it’s a nice trick…can you explain?
    thanks a lot,

    • We’re querying v$mystat prior to running the query and then again after running the query (and fetching the rows if enabled in the preferences) and then show you the delta in the stats – plus the plan of course.

      Does this answer your question?

      Sorry it took me awhile to get to this one.

    • Hi Jeff,
      Mmm, sounds good but in summary:
      select owner,object_name,object_id from t2
      order by owner,object_name fetch first 5 rows only;

      79 recursive calls
      0 db block gets
      1597 consistent gets
      1516 physical reads
      0 redo size
      890 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
      543 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
      2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
      7 sorts (memory)
      0 sorts (disk)
      5 rows processed

      with no DB time now.
      I run this statement:
      PDB1@ORCL> select name, value from v$statname a, v$mystat b where b.value 0 and b.statistic# = a.statistic#
      and b.SID = 45;

      Where 45 it’s my sid…

      Requests to/from client 31
      logons cumulative 1

      DB time 249

      Ok in this case I just run only this statement but with sqldeveloper this could be the delta (in case of more sql statements)and it’s calculated, is it correct?
      why by sqlplus is not possible to do that directly by statistics_level=ALL?
      thanks a lot for your response…

  18. Peter Blackwood Reply


    Thanks for the tips about optimizing startup performance. My performance issue is something different: the tool is very slow to expand the tables from the Connections/Other Users//Tables tree. It can take upwards of 10 minutes to bring back about 150 tables. The database is remote but it is on the company network which is blazing fast. The speed of query results is very fast, for example.

    The version is 3.0.04 and Java is 1.6.0_11. The company provides all Oracle-related software so I am pretty much stuck with that version and the 10g client, so I can’t try using the “Use OCI/Thick driver” option.

    Many others have this same problem, judging by a quick Google search. The advice given is to dig out and optimize the actual SQL used by the tool to pull back tables but I really would rather not do that if there is any other option.


    • I would talk to the DBA. The data dictionary stats might be stale for all we know…and that could affect the query. If you run SQL Developer in debug mode, you can see what happens when you expand the tree, running the query, etc – and it will be timestamped so you can see exactly where the problem is.

      Also, your Oracle-related software is out of date and no longer supported. Sounds like a good reason to request a company wide upgrade!

  19. Hi, Jeff
    i have a problem

    Error Message is


    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement.setStringAtName(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil$
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil$
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.assertLock(
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.bind(
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.bind(
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil$
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil$
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.assertLock(
    at oracle.dbtools.db.DBUtil.executeOracleQuery(
    at oracle.dbtools.db.OracleUtil.executeQuery(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.ObjectQueryInstance.executeQuery(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.db.xml.XmlFolderInstance.getChildren(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.db.xml.XmlFolderInstance.listChildren(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.db.impl.ObjectFolderTreeNode$LoadTask.doWorkImpl(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.model.NavigatorQueryTask.doWork(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.navigator.model.NavigatorQueryTask.doWork(
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.backgroundTask.RaptorTaskManager$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

    Do you know this error message?

    if you know, please give me a solution Thack you!

    • Gonna need way more information than that. What version of SQL Developer and Java are you running? What were you doing when you got this error message?

  20. João Barreto Reply

    Hi Jeff!

    I believe you’ll be much faster answering this than the Forums.
    I use SQL Developer – Build MAIN-14.48 with the JRE on Windows 7, and it keeps hanging… and I haven’t found any pattern for it to hang.
    Per your instructions somewhere on the forums I started it with the .exe in the bin folder and here is the error log on the moment it hanged:

    src out of sync with parse tree?
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 546, Size: 0
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(
    at oracle.dbtools.parser.ParseNode.content(
    at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.findMember(
    at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.memberLookup(
    at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.parseIdentifierAtOffset(
    at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.finishIdSelection(
    at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.getIdentifierAtOffset(
    at oracle.ide.ceditor.AbstractBrowseClickPlugin.getRegionFor(
    at oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin.updateHighlight(
    at oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin.actionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.Timer$
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
    at java.awt.EventQueue$
    at java.awt.EventQueue$
    at Method)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper._dispatchEvent(
    at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

    I never had this problem with SQL Developer 3 and I really don’t want to go back :).

    Thanks a lot

    • João Barreto

      Yes, that’s all that was shown on the window.
      I always open with the .exe now and that error is quite frequent although it doesn’t always cause SQL Developer to crash – as I am writing this, it shows that error on the console but SQL Developer still works.

    • João Barreto

      Hope this answers:

      Oracle IDE
      Java(TM) Platform 1.7.0_51
      Versioning Support

    • I have exactly the same error message showing up in the debug console, which I also started using due to issues with SQL Developer 4 hanging. I have been trying to work out when it hangs and why, but it has been really hard to pin down. I started to suspect that it might have something to do with actions via the clipboard, based purely on the timing of the hanging. I did manage to have a minute ago the console open at one when I was performing a single line paste (< 50 chars) into an SQL file (over 3000 lines in the file, which contains the full body of a package) and I could see that the error appeared at that point. Don't know yet if this is a regular cause of the error popping up. I'm using Version Build MAIN-14.48.
      The full output at this point is as follows…

      LOAD TIME : 563src out of sync with parse tree?
      java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 10536, Size: 10271
      at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
      at java.util.ArrayList.get(
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.ParseNode.content(
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.parseIdentifie
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.finishIdSelect
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.getIdentifierA
      at oracle.ide.ceditor.AbstractBrowseClickPlugin.getRegionFor(AbstractBro
      at oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin.updateHighlight(A
      at oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin.actionPerformed(A
      at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(
      at javax.swing.Timer$
      at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at Method)
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
      at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper._dispatchEvent(EventQu
      at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper.dispatchEvent(EventQue
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThre
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThre
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

      src out of sync with parse tree?
      java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 10536, Size: 9639
      at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
      at java.util.ArrayList.get(
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.ParseNode.content(
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.parseIdentifie
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.finishIdSelect
      at oracle.dbtools.parser.plsql.IdentifierDefinitionLookup.getIdentifierA
      at oracle.ide.ceditor.AbstractBrowseClickPlugin.getRegionFor(AbstractBro
      at oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin.updateHighlight(A
      at oracle.javatools.editor.plugins.AbstractClickPlugin.actionPerformed(A
      at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(
      at javax.swing.Timer$
      at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
      at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at java.awt.EventQueue$
      at Method)
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
      at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper._dispatchEvent(EventQu
      at oracle.javatools.internal.ui.EventQueueWrapper.dispatchEvent(EventQue
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThre
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThre
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(


  21. Hi Jeff,

    in SQL Developer version, I tried to set GUI language to

    AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

    as described in .\sqldeveloper\ide\bin\ide.conf:


    But it did not work. Could you please help me? The file ide.conf should not be changed anymore, as stated.

    Best regards, Mark

    • try setting it in

      or it might still be in the sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf file

    • Hi Jeff,

      setting it in […]\sqldeveloper\\product.conf worked perfectly.

      Thanks a lot!

      But why and not 4.1.[..]?

      Best regards, Mark

  22. Hi, Jeff.

    I’m using SQL Developer Version, Build MAIN-14.48.

    First time SQL Developer using the normal CPU. Then SQL Developer using 50-90% CPU without open worksheet and without run process. It continues until restart SQL Developer. What could be the problem?

    P.S. Sorry for bad english.

    • Without more information, I cannot hazard a guess. You could try upgrading to version 4.0.2.

      If it’s still happening there, you could generate a stack dump using jstack – just attach to the sqldeveloper PID, and send it here or to the forums.

  23. Hi, I hope this not a naive question. I am mostly a java programmer, but do use Oracle Sql Developer to optimize SQL. I am inexperienced enough that I have to think fairly hard to understand a plan.

    Something I always wished for would be a way for each step of the plan to show me what columns it was returning up to the next level of the plan. I think this would make it easier to understand the plan

    • Add the OBJECT_NAME to the explain plan display in the SQL Developer preferences – I think that will help you a bit.

    • Hi Jeff, thanks for your response and all your work in this blog.

      Nah, adding the OBJECT_NAME column does not help address this. I was already using it.

      I guess the simple answer is that SQL Developer does not support this feature. That baffles me because presumably the information must be there in Oracle somewhere, and it would make understanding plans SO much easier.

      If you or anybody else has any other ideas, let me know.


    • This might be a misunderstanding of how the optimizer puts together the resultset. Everything is done with sets – you won’t see a plan step to attack a specific column, per se. It’s not a SQL Developer thing, it’s an Oracle Database thing.

    • Jeff, thanks for that response. i took a look at Poder’s white paper as you suggested. I pretty much knew all that.

      But… he gave me the right vocabulary to ask for what I am looking for.

      In his diagrams he shows “row sources.” Seems to me that those rows sources must have columns and it is *that* i would like oracle to tell me. For a given row source, what are its columns. I don’t really see how oracle can *not* have that information, and I don’t understand why they are not exposing it. it would really help me understand the plan.

  24. In Pl/sql developer , commit/rollback butttons appear when you any update or insert command is used. after committing it disappears confirming us it is committed . In SQL developer i think after clicking the commit it will show noramlly leaving us to think over again to cross verify . Is there any option to be as of PL/SQl developer

    • The commit and rollback verification is written to the log panel – you can see the session and any outstanding transactions were committed. In SQL*Plus you can commit as often as you want, in SQL Developer too.

  25. I am using SQL Developer 3.2.09 to Schedule Jobs. After creating Jobs with that are disabled. When I try to change the enabled attribute later it won’t stick. It says the action was successful but when I unhighlight the Job in the tree and go back to it The value is reset to false. What’s causing this there is no

    • How exactly are you creating the job? DBMS_JOBS, DMBS_SCHEDULER…are you scripting it in a worksheet or in some other way?

      Also, can you try upgrading to version 4.0.1? Many, many bug fixes between your version and the current one.

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